Monday, July 18, 2011

21 weeks - Bobby Banana

I realize the baby going from the size of a cantaloupe to a banana doesn't make much sense, but the baby is about the length of a banana this week!

Bobby Banana

So, we had an "exciting" day yesterday - we ended up spending 7 hours in the Emergency Room! I woke up at 2am Sunday morning with lower right abdominal pain. It didn't let up at all by 7am so I called my mother-in-law (a triage nurse whom we affectionately call "Dr. Mom"). She told us to go into First Care (like Urgent Care) when they opened at 8am. My love and I were scheduled to do nursery duty at church so I called someone to cover for us then we headed to First Care. The doctor there was very nice and immediately sent us over to the ER at the hospital. Everyone thought I was having an appendicitis but they did an ultrasound and MRI to make sure. It turned out I just have a bad urinary tract infection (UTI). They sent me home with antibiotics and pain meds and said I should be all right. The baby is fine and moved a ton yesterday, especially during the MRI. I don't think he/she liked all the noises!  My love cared for me so well yesterday and helped me with everything. He's a wonderful supportive hubby and going to be a great Daddy!

A side benefit of our adventure yesterday was we got to see the baby for a while on ultrasound. They even sent us home with a few pics. Here's my favorite:

Our sweet little babe

The MRI tech said she thinks she has a good idea of the gender of the baby but she couldn't tell me. Oh well, we will find out soon enough with our diagnostic ultrasound tomorrow, I'm excited! Oh, and if you haven't guessed the baby's gender yet, do so here. It's a close race right now with 16 votes for a girl and 14 votes for a boy.

In good spirits despite being in pain

I'm just taking it easy this week and drinking lots of water. I am still in a bit of pain but the pain meds help a lot (I made sure they are safe for baby). I am supposed to go to Anchorage this week to help my friend out with 5 week old foster twins, but we'll see if I get the OK from the doctor (and my love) to do that. 

Thanks for your prayers and concerns, we appreciate them!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry you had to go through this- but I'm grateful it was nothing too serious. I have had many UTI's in my day. They are horrendous. My solution is to drink lots of water and juice, take pain medication and take lots of hot baths. I'm sure you'll be fine though after the antibiotics kick in :)


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