Saturday, November 12, 2011

38 Weeks!

I hit the 38 week mark yesterday, just 13 days to go until Bobo's due date!

A friend came to visit and took some shots of me in our winter wonderland!

Looking up at the beautiful snow covered trees!

Feeling great!

I got my cerclage stitches removed on Monday and it went great. The cerclage was doing its job as I am 80% effaced and 2 cm dilated.  My doctor was nonchalant about when I'd go into labor, but it could be anytime I suppose. I'm not having any labor signs as of yet and am sleeping well and feeling great overall! My love and I are really enjoying the season we're in as we joyfully anticipate our little boy's arrival!

I had 4 friends come out to see the house and hang out this week which was a lot of fun. We live 20-30 minutes from town now so I wasn't sure how many people would want to make the drive, but it's working out! I am enjoying spending 2-3 days at home then going into town when I want/need to.

As you can see from the pictures, we've been getting a lot of snow! It's so pretty and peaceful, I love it! My love has done a little plowing this week, which he really enjoys.

I'll keep you posted on any labor news, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Julia, You look so cute! I cannot wait to hear your news! Congrats on your new beautiful home too! The Lord IS so good!!


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